Igbo Amaka!!!

This music belongs to the young men you see performing. They are unapologetically Igbo. The Igbo Institute is proud of them!


Anywhere you see the above AVID information, invest your time and talent. It will be worth your while beyond imagination!


(Just a very small percentage of the Igbo story)

When the Pharaoh who did not know Joseph ascended the throne, the children of Gad saw the handwriting on the wall and determined that the way and manner in which the new Pharaoh was doing things was going to result in undue hardship for the Hebrews. Those children of Gad left Egypt and walked southwards, wound up in the rainforest areas close to a big river (now called River Niger). They were there until Moses took the Hebrews out of Egypt. During the exodus, many of them took the left fork (that led to the Red Sea). Some of them missed the left fork (took the right fork) and wound up on the Atlantic oceanfront (now Igweocha or Iguocha), ran into strangers who spoke their language, ate their foods, observed their religious rites and feasts, and asked who they were. The introduction revealed that these were all from the same line of Jacob.

When the Pharaoh who did not know Joseph ascended the throne in Egypt, the children of Gad saw the handwriting on the wall and determined that the way and manner in which the new Pharaoh was doing things was going to result in undue hardship for the Hebrews. Those children of Gad left Egypt and walked southwards, wound up in the rainforest areas close to a big river (now called River Niger). They were there until Moses took the Hebrews out of Egypt. During the exodus, many of them took the left fork (that led to the Red Sea). Some of them missed the left fork (took the right fork) and wound up on the Atlantic oceanfront (now Igweocha or Iguocha), ran into strangers who spoke their language, ate their foods, observed their religious rites and feasts, and asked who they were. The introduction revealed that these were all from the same line of Jacob.

It is essential to reveal to the succeeding generations at all HBCUs (Historically Black Colleges and Universities), and other adult members of the Black community, the truths that history textbooks did not include. I have witnessed an increasing thirst for this knowledge in my speaking engagements as I unravel the genealogy of Black America from Adam, through Abraham up to now. Note also that the history of the Igbo People transcends time and space. Each historian presents the nuances of the sector he or she is privy to. No one historian has all 'thestory' (thestory/history/ourstory).

By 2165 B.C. (circa), God had already chosen Abram, and renamed him 'Abraham'. Abraham had already begotten Isaac; Isaac had begotten Jacob; Jacob had begotten his twelve sons. They went into Egypt because of hunger and draught in Canaan where they lived. Joseph (Jacob's last but one son) rose to the position of Prime Minister in Egypt. One day, a Pharaoh who did not know Joseph arose, and the tide turned against the Hebrews. They were already outnumbering the Egyptians, and Egypt decided that something had to be done to stem that.

A new Pharaoh that did not know Joseph arose in Egypt and became unbearable. The sons of Gad saw the handwriting on the wall and wasted no time in departing Egypt.  They arrived at the West African geographic location they named 'Nri' after their family. Egypt had by now intensified the enslavement of the Hebrews exposing them to untold hard labor.

A freedom fighter by the name of Moshe (Moses) arose and began to advocate for the Hebrew people. After an unending negotiation that often turned almost violent between Moshe and the Pharaoh, it was time for the children of Israel to begin their journey to the promised land. In 1450 B.C. (circa), the Hebrews in Egypt working as slaves finally started the promised land.

They took the Southern route (a detour) instead of the Northern route which had a direct ground route to Canaan. While going the southward route, a group of them took the right fork (got 'lost') instead of the left fork. Those who took the left fork wound up at the Red Sea. God crossed them and drowned the Egyptians. God fought all their battles and took them successfully into Canaan about 1410BC. Those who took the right fork wound up on the Atlantic oceanfront also about 1410 BC. They settled there as miners, hunters, fishermen, and farmers, and also engaged in lumbering.

While starting their newfound freedom on the oceanfront and hinterland areas, they came in contact with another group of people who dressed like them, spoke like them, eat their kinds of food, and performed the same spiritual rituals. The new group asked who the existing settlers were. The settlers said they were children of Gad. The new group recognized Gad being one of their 12 biological fathers. They reconnected and made 'Nri' their native homestead. Hebrew = Hibro = Igbo = Ibo.

When the English migrated to America from wherever and successfully took over the land from the natives, they farmed the land because they came out of agrarian England and all such places. When they worked in the rain, they died. When they worked under the sun, they died. They remembered that the Hebrew group that left Egypt in 1450 BC wound up on the Atlantic oceanfront. The Americans decided to go and get those West African Hebrews to come and till their land for them (further enslavement). When they got to that location with their guns and chains, they forcefully took men and women who looked able-bodied. The white raiders chained the dazed natives because they were resisting. They took the captured individuals from that oceanfront to another coastal town that was about five hundred miles where they built a triage. It was at that triage that they sold the captives to their fellow whites for $50 or less each. The buyers sailed away with their human cargo to Charleston, and other seaports where they sold to farmers. Some sellers sailed through the Cape Fear River creeks into Fayetteville North Carolina where they sold the individuals at the Fayetteville  NC Marketplace (where you can visit at will).

The new generation offspring of those slaves were told that their ancestors were sold. Yes, it is true, but whites sold them to other whites. Those slaves built up America the way they built up Egypt. Egypt's economy is still solid today because of the blood and sweat of those Hebrews. America is solid today because of the blood and sweat of those same Hebrews, yet the affirmative action form does not have a ‘Hebrew-American’ category on it. It only has African-Americans or Black. These two categories do not explain the lineage that I am discussing here. They need their own category, just like Asians or Hispanics have theirs, as comparatively recent as they are in the new Americas.

When the Whites saw that there were more slaves than they needed, they shipped some of them back to West Africa. Because the slave trade was over, and the sellers had all closed shop, the buyers did not know the exact geographical location where the slaves actually came from. When they took the excess slaves back to West Africa, they cut up some jungle areas and set up two colonies. Those two colonies are what we know today as Liberia and Sierra Leone. Today, if a Liberian or Sierra Leonean wants to visit the U.S., he or she will be made to queue up at the American Embassy applying for Visa with great difficulties. America does not care about those two colonies. The Blacks that were left as slaves worked their hearts off and still gradually outnumbered the Whites. When the slaves were successfully freed, it was found that they could influence events in the regions, so some strategists sold the concept of freedom and abortion, and the Blacks bought and swallowed it hook, line and sinker. Today Blacks have shrunk to only about 13 percent of the population. The Hispanics that came in droves have already attained over 17 percent.

Above is only a tip of the iceberg.

That is what makes us The Custodian/Janitor and Official Historian and Storyteller.

We are custodians of Hebrew West African oral tradition. We are the janitor. We hold keys to the rooms and closets of Hebrew West Africa. we are available to talk to groups that desire genealogy so that they may tell their parents, children, and relatives who will in turn increase their curiosity, get on the Internet for more research, and invite me to bring out the rest of the story if they want. It is too much information to exhaust. Everyone would like to be sure of his or her family background and ancestral origin. The Internet has more sources than anyone can imagine. You can now combine those sources with the textbooks. People have the right to trace their history. Other books exist in the bookstores to close knowledge gaps on this subject.

You may coordinate appropriate ethnic and community leaders, and the HBCUs in order to pass on this great oral tradition. Meanwhile, you can conduct an Internet search on this subject and find more information. You may also prepare for the annual pilgrimage to Hibroland on the West coast of Africa. Only one organization is known to be coordinating any trips and internships focusing on this subject. The reason is that anti-semitism still maintains a firm grip over the planet. Therefore, propagating the life and times of the Semitic peoples anywhere faces challenges. Some nations love Israel and still engage in anti-semitism either knowingly or unknowingly. Within the organization that coordinates The Pilgrimage to Homeland, three individuals are known to facilitate the trips.